The Sutton Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) was established in 2009 and is a multi-agency partnership providing strategic leadership for adult safeguarding across the local authority area. It has an independent chair and its remit is to agree objectives, set priorities and co-ordinate the strategic development of adult safeguarding in line with multi-agency pan london policies.
In Sutton we aim to safeguard and protect adults at risk so that they live a life free from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding adults means helping adults at risk, i.e. an individual with health and support needs, remain safe and exercise choice in their life. The SSAB works within the framework of the law and statutory guidance to strategically assure itself that local safeguarding arrangements and partners act to help and protect adults in Sutton who have or may have care and support needs and who are experiencing, or are at risk of, abuse or neglect in line with the requirements made in the Care Act 2014.
The SSAB acts as the key mechanism for agreeing how agencies will work together effectively to safeguard and promote the safety and well-being of adults at risk and/or in vulnerable situations. The SSAB aims to promote awareness and understanding of abuse and neglect among service users, carers, professionals, care providers and the wider community and works to generate community interest and engagement in safeguarding to ensure Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business. The SSAB is responsible for ensuring that the systems in place locally to protect people at risk are proportionate, balanced and responsive. The SSAB commissions safeguarding adult reviews in cases where there have been poor outcomes to ensure that lessons are learned.