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Speak up Sutton

Speak up Sutton aims to provide a voice for people with learning disabilities and difficulties on various issues that impact them. Members are aged 18+. Hearing the voices of people with learning disabilities and difficulties on issues that impact their lives is incredibly important, and as an organisation we want to make sure they are involved in the decision making process.

To hear about how important speak up groups are to our members, please see our video, where we asked the question “Why Speak Up?”

If you wish to find out more about this group, please look at this poster for further information.

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How to become a Domestic Abuse Community Ambassador?

Please find attached the Ask Me project flyer for anyone interested in becoming a Community Ambassador.

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Whatsapp Scam

WhatsApp Account Compromise


Criminals are targeting WhatsApp users, taking over accounts and trying to defraud or hack their friends too. The criminals abuse the legitimate process of transferring a WhatsApp account from one phone to another.  They use an already compromised account to message the account owner’s contacts. Please follow these steps to protect yourself from scams.


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Mobile Phone Upgrade Scams

Mobile Phone upgrade scams are on the rise.  Please look at this guidance from the police.


BAME and Safeguarding Adults Survey

Dear all

This survey is to monitor the BAME population's perception of the Safeguarding process for Adults in the borough. Current data indicates that the number of safeguarding referrals for the BAME population is much lower than the number of people represented by this population in the borough. This survey was commissioned by the Sutton Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) and designed with members of the Race Equality Group in Sutton to ensure we captured the concerns within the BAME community regarding the adult safeguarding process.  Your personal information will remain anonymous. Please assist with forwarding this email with the link to staff and colleagues in this borough. Thank you.

Survey Link


The closing date for the survey is Friday 25 June 2021.